Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Database Certificates and the X.509 Standard

 Hello Dear Reader, I came across an interesting discovery about a year ago and realized I’d never written about it.  I’ve done a lot of work with encryption and mainly Transparent Data Encryption.  I’ve got a presentation that I’ve given on the subject that I presented at SQL Saturday’s, Dev Conection, and SQL Rally.  I take a database, back it up, and drop the unencrypted backup in a hex editor.  This allows me to show what the contents look like before and after encryption.

I encrypt the database and take a backup and I put that in the hex editor as well.  One day in front of OPASS, the North Orlando SQL Server User Group, I dragged the certificate and private key backups in the hex editor as well and I noticed something disturbing.  Part of the encrypted backup of the certificate was in plain text!

“So Balls”, you say, “What does the certificate have to do with the X 5 O….whatever.”

Well put Dear Reader, and the short answer is again everything.


The X.509 Security standards are the International Technology Union encryption guidelines for Public Key Infrastructure and Privilege Management Infrastructure.  In short these are the smart guys that make up the encryption standards we use in just about everything.   It just so happens that they have some pull over SQL Server Database Certificates as well.

So I was in front of OPASS and I was giving a presentation on Transparent Data Encryption when I made an interesting discovery.  I made all my demo’s and passwords easy so I wouldn’t have to worry which was which,  the password was ‘Brad1’.  Imagine my surprise when I pulled in the encrypted, with a private key and password (aslo ‘Brad1’), backed up contents of the Database Certificate and found laying there in plain text was ‘Brad1’.

It was my own fault for making a demo that used the same thing over and over.  I didn’t know which password leaked.  I went home entered a different value in for each place I had ‘Brad1’, backed up the certificate, and pulled it into a hex editor.  It was the Subject of the Certificate.


Why would the subject be in plain text?  Good question Dear Reader.  I hopped over to MSDN to look at the documentation on database certificates, click here to view.  I found this information:

                SUBJECT ='certificate_subject_name'
The term subject refers to a field in the metadata of the certificate as defined in the X.509 standard. The subject can be up to 128 characters long. Subjects that exceed 128 characters will be truncated when they are stored in the catalog, but the binary large object (BLOB) that contains the certificate will retain the full subject name.

Nothing about why it was in plain text, but it pointed to the X.509 Security Standards.  Click here to read the X.509 Security Standards if you have trouble sleeping at night. 

The Subject is mentioned quite a bit.  The way it works out, is that the subject is used as part of a trust anchor.  Think of each certificate like a fingerprint.  Each is supposed to be encrypted and different.  Occasionally you have twins, and the certificates are so similar that you need a way to tell them apart.  In the event of that situation the Subject is used to differentiate them.

So while you would think the subject is… well… the Subject of what you will use the certificate for, it is not.  I would generate a strong password and place it in the subject anytime I use a database certificate.  But let’s do a quick demo to show.


First we will create a Master Key and a Database Certificate.

Create Master Key Encryption By Password='MasterKeyPass1'
Create Certificate DatabaseCertificate With Subject='Dont Put Anything Importiant in the subject'

Now let’s back them up to disk.  We’ll encrypt the certificate using a private key, and a strong password to encrypt the private key as well.

BACKUP CERTIFICATE DatabaseCertificate TO FILE ='C:\Encrypt\DatabaseCertificate.cer'
WITH PRIVATE KEY ( FILE ='C:\Encrypt\bradprivkey.key', ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD ='$uper$ecretP@ssword')

You should have 2 files from the backup the Database Certificate and the Private Key.  

Now let’s open up the Certificate in our handy hex editor.

And there it is!  Our subject sitting in plain text, not a huge security leak but for best practices I like to tell people not to put anything important in the Subject.

Thanks for stopping by Dear Reader!



Monday, August 13, 2012

Database Corruption, Transparent Data Encryption, and Trace Flag 5004

This one comes straight from the email bag.  A friend recently had a problem, they were placing TDE on a database and the encryption scan had stopped at state 2 percent_complete 0. I'm bouncing around the Charlotte NC airport facing some plane delays, and I thought what better time than to play around with a little database corruption. 

“So Balls”, you say, “What does TDE stuck in an encryption scan have to do with corruption.”

Great Question Dear Reader!  The default Page_Verify setting in SQL Server is Checksum.  This means when a page is read into memory and written back to disk a Checksum is calculated based off the pages contents.  When it is written back to disk, that Checksum is there.  When the page is read again the Checksum is used as a validation.  If the Checksum fails then it tosses an error reporting the page as a Suspect Page.

Think of this like going through the TSA Checkpoint, you’ve got your ticket and your identification.  If your ticket says ‘Serenity’, but your ID says ‘Zachary’ you will probably get flagged by the system as Suspect.  In both cases that’s where the probing begins. 


For this example I’m going to use a database that I’ve corrupted called CorruptAdventure taken from a corrupted version of AdventureWorksDW2008R2.  Horrible name for a database, it was just asking for corrupting.  We’ll start out assuming everything is fine.  The powers that be want TDE, Transparent Data Encryption, enabled on the database and we will do that.  First we’ll create our Master Key and a Database Certificate to use in the encryption.

Create Master Key
and Certificate
USE master
Create Master Key Encryption By Password='MasterKeyPass1'
Create Certificate DatabaseCertificate With Subject='Dont Put Anything Importiant in the subject'

Now we’ll point to CorruptAdventure and create a Database Encryption Key and set encryption to on.  Transparent Data Encryption will read each page into memory.  If it doesn’t have a checksum one will get written.  Our page has a checksum, but it’s contents have been corrupted.  When SQL calculates a checksum to validate the current on, the page will get logged to the MSDB.dbo.Suspect_Pages table.

use CorruptAdventure
create database encryption key
with algorithm = aes_256
encryption by server certificate DatabaseCertificate
Alter Database CorruptAdventure
Set Encryption on

It looks like it is encrypting!

Whoa! We hit our error. 

Let’s query our Suspect_Pages table.  Just like I thought we’ve got our database ID and our page ID.  The error_type column is equal to 2, this means our page was flagged suspect during a Checksum operation. 
It just stalled out
Why would this happen?

A page checksum occurs on all pages
whent the TDE scan
select * from msdb.dbo.suspect_pages

Now let’s run DBCC CheckDB and verify if we really have something wrong with our database.


Msg 8928, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 325576198, index ID 5, partition ID 72057594043498496, alloc unit ID 72057594044940288 (type In-row data): Page (1:3874) could not be processed.  See other errors for details.
Msg 8939, Level 16, State 98, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 325576198, index ID 5, partition ID 72057594043498496, alloc unit ID 72057594044940288 (type In-row data), page (1:3874). Test (IS_OFF (BUF_IOERR, pBUF->bstat)) failed. Values are 12716041 and -4.
Msg 8976, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 325576198, index ID 5, partition ID 72057594043498496, alloc unit ID 72057594044940288 (type In-row data). Page (1:3874) was not seen in the scan although its parent (1:3888) and previous (1:3873) refer to it. Check any previous errors.
Msg 8978, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 325576198, index ID 5, partition ID 72057594043498496, alloc unit ID 72057594044940288 (type In-row data). Page (1:3875) is missing a reference from previous page (1:3874). Possible chain linkage problem.
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 4 consistency errors in table 'FactInternetSales' (object ID 325576198).
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 4 consistency errors in database 'CorruptAdventure'.
repair_allow_data_loss is the minimum repair level for the errors found by DBCC CHECKDB (CorruptAdventure).

Just as I suspected corruption.   We got the Database ID and page number from Suspect_Pages and DBCC CHECKDB just verified that the page is indeed corrupt. Now we can find exactly what type of data is corrupted, which will determine our strategy for handling it.  We have the Object ID and Index ID for the DBCC CHECKDB Scan.

We can do a query against sys.indexes joined to sys.objects using the IndexID, 5, and ObjectId, 32576198, provided.  We will get the table name, index name, and index type.

     o.name as TableName
     ,i.name as IndexName
     sys.indexes i
     left join sys.objects o
     on i.object_id=o.object_id
     and i.index_id=5

Our corruption is on a non-clustered index.  If you ever get corruption this is one of the easiest types to fix.  We drop our non-clustered index and re-create it, and it should fix everything.

USE CorruptAdventure
DROP INDEX IX_FactInternetSales_OrderDateKey ON dbo.FactInternetSales
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_FactInternetSales_OrderDateKey ON dbo.FactInternetSales
(OrderDateKey ASC)

Now let’s Run DBCC CHECKDB to get a clean bill of health.


Excellent, looking at our TDE status it still hasn’t moved. 

The TDE encryption scan should have paused when the Checksum error occurred.  In case it didn’t you can manually pause the encryption scan and reset it with Trace Flag 5004.  Turning Trace Flag 5004 on will stop the encryption scan right where it is.  You then need to turn Trace Flag 5004 off so you can re-issue the encryption command and watch it commence.  You might not need to use Trace Flag 5004, but I like to play this one on the safe side.

ALTER DATABASE CorruptAdventure

Let’s check our encryption status.

We are progressing again, and it looks like now we’ve completed!  Excellent, not only did we get our database encrypted but we were able to fix corruption that we were not previously aware of.  One last peek at our TDE scan and we see it is complete and our encryption_status is now 3, no longer stuck at 2.

Well my plane just arrived, so that’s all for now Dear Reader, as always Thanks for stopping by.



Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How to Data Compress Varchar(MAX)

I talk a lot about compression.  I’ve blogged a pretty decent amount on it as well.  One of the things that often confuses people is what can and cannot be compressed.  There is a list of data types that can be Row Compressed.  That list is different between each SQL Version.  Page compression on the other hand works at the binary level, it is data type agnostic.

The big determining factor is what type of Allocation Unit your data is stored on.

“Balls,” you say “What’s an Allocation Unit?”

An Allocation unit is the structure behind the structure.  Think of real estate for a second.  Buildings and property are zoned in a city or a town.  One section is for businesses, another is zoned for residential, one may be zoned for the government.  In SQL Server we have 3 different zones IN_ROW_DATA, ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA, and LOB_DATA. 

Instead of being sized just for type, your size matters just as much.  If you are a regular every day Integer or Character field you live in IN_ROW_DATA.  You are LOB_DATA if you are a VARBINARY(MAX) that contains a 500 MB picture file.  ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA are variable length fields that start off on IN_ROW_DATA pages, but if that data grows large enough that it cannot fit on an 8 KB IN_ROW_DATA page then it gets popped off the IN_ROW_DATA Page and lands  on the ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA Page.

The data types in SQL that have a (MAX) designation, XML, or certain CLR types start off on IN_ROW_DATA pages.  They get moved off if the size grows.


So how in the wide wide world of sports does this apply to Data Compression?  If your data is on an IN_ROW_DATA page it could be compressed.  Row compression still only applies to the data types that are listed per version, see row compression here at MSDN.

Page Compression only requires matching binary patterns, as long as it is IN_ROW_DATA pages we are good to go.  You can use this script to run against your database to get the Allocation Unit makeup of your tables and indexes.

     OBJECT_NAME(sp.object_id) AS [ObjectName]
     ,si.name AS IndexName
     ,sps.in_row_data_page_count as In_Row
     ,sps.row_overflow_used_page_count AS Row_Over_Flow
     ,sps.lob_reserved_page_count AS LOB_Data
     sys.dm_db_partition_stats sps
     JOIN sys.partitions sp
           ON sps.partition_id=sp.partition_id
     JOIN sys.indexes si
           ON sp.index_id=si.index_id AND sp.object_id = si.object_id
     OBJECTPROPERTY(sp.object_id,'IsUserTable') =1
order by sps.in_row_data_page_count desc

The higher the IN_ROW_DATA page count the more likely you have a candidate for compression. 


We’ve laid the ground work now on to the main event.  First we’ll create our database and  our table and insert some data.  I’ve got two Varchar(Max) fields, we’ll put 2012 characters in each. 
Select our demo database
to use
use master
if exists(select name from sys.databases where name='demoInternals')
     alter database demoInternals set single_user with rollback immediate
     drop database demoInternals
Create Database demoInternals
USE demoInternals
Create our table
IF EXISTS(SELECT name FROM sys.tables WHERE name='vmaxTest')
     DROP TABLE dbo.vmaxTest
CREATE TABLE vmaxTest(myid int identity(1,1)
     , mydata varchar(max) default 'a'
     ,mydata2 varchar(max) default 'b'
     ,CONSTRAINT pk_vmaxtest1 PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (myid))
Insert 5000 rows
SET @i=0
WHILE (@i<5000)
     INSERT INTO vmaxTest(mydata, mydata2)
     VALUES(replicate('a',2012)+cast(@i AS VARCHAR(5)), replicate('b', 2012)+cast(@i AS VARCHAR(5)))
     SET @i=@i+1

If you use our script from earlier then you can see we have 4950 IN_ROW_DATA Pages.

Now let’s update one of our Varchar(max) fields to 8000 characters so that we push it off of IN_ROW_DATA and over to LOB_DATA Pages.   Run our script again to get our counts.
Now we'll update just the b values
to force them into row_overflow data
UPDATE dbo.vmaxTest
set mydata2=replicate('b',8000)

We certainly have some fragmentation, but we’ve added 5009 LOB_DATA pages to the mix.  Now let’s apply Page Compression and use our script again to see the results.
Rebuild our table with
Page Compression
ALTER TABLE dbo.vmaxtest

As you can see the IN_ROW_DATA Compressed, the LOB_DATA didn’t.  Another way that knowing thy data can help you understand what you can and should compress.

