Hello Dear Reader!
A quick note I'm presenting today at 1:30 pm for SQL Saturday Boston #203.
I'll be giving my presentation on the 4th Floor! The topic today is SQL Internals, Backups, and Recovery Models! OH MY!
Here's a quick link to the deck and the demo's, all live on the Resources page.
Also I'll be giving away a seat or two to the Pragmatic Works Performance Tuning Workshop here in Boston in June this year! Make sure to stop by!
Hope to see you there!
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Thursday, March 21, 2013
SQL in Chicago
Hello Dear Reader! I've got some very exciting news! Pragmatic Works is holding a Two Day Performance Tuning Workshop in Chicago Illinois on Wednesday April 3rd and Thursday April 4th. Headlining this act will be the wonderful Kimberly Hathaway(Linked-In), and lil old me!
I was born and lived most of my young life in Peoria Illinois. The last time I was in Chicago was for a field trip to the Museum of Natural History, aka the Field Museum, with my Boy Scout Troop. I was one of the Boy Scouts and it wasn't a reunion.
Chicago is home to some of the best resturants in the country, a main spot on shows like Man vs. Food, Diners Drive-Ins' and Dives, and Anthony Bourdain have made multiple episodes on the Windy City.
I've grown up a life long Cubs fan who has watched them in Atlanta, Washington D.C., and Miami, never in the Mecca of Wrigley Field. Sadly the Cubs are out of town, heck even the Wrigley Field tours don't start until the week after I'm gone. I'm still hoping to stop by Wrigley and at least get a photo.
"So Balls", you say, "There was a Performance Tuning Workshop?"
Thank You Dear Reader. My love for Chi-Town aside, I cannot wait for this workshop. Kimberly and I are going to working very hard for you Dear Attendee, to make sure that in two days we can paint a picture and bring a lot of complex topics home. Here's a link to the class if you're in town and would like to sign up (Some changes are coming to the outline, content will stay the same, but the flow will be streamlined)! We are already 75% sold out, and space has been filling up fast. Space is limited so get your seat while you still can!
A lot of the problems I see in servers deal with them not being set up correctly. Most of the time it is a simple oversight. When troubleshooting there are things that we will check for, and some of them are simple fixes.
Did you use SQLIO to baseline you're hard drives? Did you take a perfmon baseline? Do you know the correct calculations for PLE? Cough cough *hint*! What about the best ways to set up and things to consider when using Virtualization? Are your BIOS driver's up to date? Do you have Green Driver Settings on, what is your Windows Performance Plan set to? All this and we haven't even installed SQL Server!
Our Configuration are only just beginning. Once we install SQL Server there is more to do. Have we set up Instant Database File Initialization, based on our security can we? Max Memory, Lock Pages in memory, Max Worker Threads, Maxdop, Cost Threshold for Parallelism, and many other settings need to be considered. We will cover each of these and what the best practices are for each.
Next up we will cover the Internals of how a Query flows through SQL Server. We'll discuss the Optimizer, Statistics, and plan costing before diving into the Plan Cache and Execution plans. We'll round things out by a full discussion on Indexes and end the day with a dive into Locking/Blocking and Deadlocks.
Anybody can run a DMV, (anybody with the right permissions on a SQL Instance that is). Interpreting the results is what turns Troubleshooting into Sharpshooting.
To fine tune the process we will cover Waits and Queues, making sure we understand Preemptive vs. Cooperative Processing and how that helps us get Wait Stats. We'll troubleshoot various types and discuss what we've seen.
We'll go back to our Baselines and talk about what to look for when things go south and how to start diving into the problem. We'll use Extended Events to single out specific data and show how you can use them and powerful tools in your arsenal.
We will discuss some of the free tools, our SQL Community, and of course #SQLHelp.
We'll step into the BI world to discuss some performance issues you will see there, and how to troubleshoot them as well. Finally we'll get a hands on lab that we can all really get into.
One of the best things about the class? When you get one of us from Pragmatic Works you get the whole crew. ( I call dips on being Nick Fury)
They might not be there in the class with us but great SQL Community members and teammates SQL MVP's Jorge Segarra (@SQLChicken | Blog) and Jason Strate (@StrateSQL | Blog), .
Former Microsof-ties like Kathi Kellenberger (@AuntKathi | Blog) and Roger Wolter (@rwolter50 | Linked-In).
Finally Tremendous Sr. Consultants for Pragmatic works such as Gareth Swanepoel (@GarethSwan | Blog), Chad Churchwell (@ChadChurchwell | Blog), Kimberly, and myself all had are input on the class and worked on making the demos.
For $300 it's a can't miss! Hope to see you there! (Click Here to Sign Up while Seats are still available!)
As always Thanks for stopping by!
I was born and lived most of my young life in Peoria Illinois. The last time I was in Chicago was for a field trip to the Museum of Natural History, aka the Field Museum, with my Boy Scout Troop. I was one of the Boy Scouts and it wasn't a reunion.
Chicago is home to some of the best resturants in the country, a main spot on shows like Man vs. Food, Diners Drive-Ins' and Dives, and Anthony Bourdain have made multiple episodes on the Windy City.
I've grown up a life long Cubs fan who has watched them in Atlanta, Washington D.C., and Miami, never in the Mecca of Wrigley Field. Sadly the Cubs are out of town, heck even the Wrigley Field tours don't start until the week after I'm gone. I'm still hoping to stop by Wrigley and at least get a photo.
"So Balls", you say, "There was a Performance Tuning Workshop?"
Thank You Dear Reader. My love for Chi-Town aside, I cannot wait for this workshop. Kimberly and I are going to working very hard for you Dear Attendee, to make sure that in two days we can paint a picture and bring a lot of complex topics home. Here's a link to the class if you're in town and would like to sign up (Some changes are coming to the outline, content will stay the same, but the flow will be streamlined)! We are already 75% sold out, and space has been filling up fast. Space is limited so get your seat while you still can!
A lot of the problems I see in servers deal with them not being set up correctly. Most of the time it is a simple oversight. When troubleshooting there are things that we will check for, and some of them are simple fixes.
Did you use SQLIO to baseline you're hard drives? Did you take a perfmon baseline? Do you know the correct calculations for PLE? Cough cough *hint*! What about the best ways to set up and things to consider when using Virtualization? Are your BIOS driver's up to date? Do you have Green Driver Settings on, what is your Windows Performance Plan set to? All this and we haven't even installed SQL Server!
Our Configuration are only just beginning. Once we install SQL Server there is more to do. Have we set up Instant Database File Initialization, based on our security can we? Max Memory, Lock Pages in memory, Max Worker Threads, Maxdop, Cost Threshold for Parallelism, and many other settings need to be considered. We will cover each of these and what the best practices are for each.
Next up we will cover the Internals of how a Query flows through SQL Server. We'll discuss the Optimizer, Statistics, and plan costing before diving into the Plan Cache and Execution plans. We'll round things out by a full discussion on Indexes and end the day with a dive into Locking/Blocking and Deadlocks.
Anybody can run a DMV, (anybody with the right permissions on a SQL Instance that is). Interpreting the results is what turns Troubleshooting into Sharpshooting.
To fine tune the process we will cover Waits and Queues, making sure we understand Preemptive vs. Cooperative Processing and how that helps us get Wait Stats. We'll troubleshoot various types and discuss what we've seen.
We'll go back to our Baselines and talk about what to look for when things go south and how to start diving into the problem. We'll use Extended Events to single out specific data and show how you can use them and powerful tools in your arsenal.
We will discuss some of the free tools, our SQL Community, and of course #SQLHelp.
We'll step into the BI world to discuss some performance issues you will see there, and how to troubleshoot them as well. Finally we'll get a hands on lab that we can all really get into.
One of the best things about the class? When you get one of us from Pragmatic Works you get the whole crew. ( I call dips on being Nick Fury)
They might not be there in the class with us but great SQL Community members and teammates SQL MVP's Jorge Segarra (@SQLChicken | Blog) and Jason Strate (@StrateSQL | Blog), .
Former Microsof-ties like Kathi Kellenberger (@AuntKathi | Blog) and Roger Wolter (@rwolter50 | Linked-In).
Finally Tremendous Sr. Consultants for Pragmatic works such as Gareth Swanepoel (@GarethSwan | Blog), Chad Churchwell (@ChadChurchwell | Blog), Kimberly, and myself all had are input on the class and worked on making the demos.
For $300 it's a can't miss! Hope to see you there! (Click Here to Sign Up while Seats are still available!)
As always Thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Windows 2012 for the DBA Setting Your Server to High Performance
Hello Dear Reader! I’ve
been doing a lot of work with Windows Server 2012 lately. The interface is wildly different from what
we’ve gotten used to in the past.
If you’ve
worked with Windows 8 or Windows Phone at all, then the UI will come as less of
a shock to you.
If you haven’t, then
hold on to your pants.
This creates a lot of fun in figuring out how to do things
we already thought we knew how to do.
“So Balls”, you say, “What did you know how to do that you
don’t now know how to do? Did that even
make sense?”
Yes Dear Reader it did.
Ever since the Windows Servers have been given the same GUI upgrades as
the user/Windows upgrades (Thank GOD there was no Windows Server ME), ever
since Perfmon has been renamed 50 BAGILLION times, there have been DBA’s
scratching their heads going ARRUUU!?
![]() |
Continuing that trend is the way CPU performance is
Thanks to brilliant MVP’s such
as Glenn Berry(@GlennAlanBerry | Blog) and Brent Ozar (@BrentO | Blog) we’ve had
guidance on how to use CPU-Z, see
Glenn’s Blog on this subject, and how Power Saving Options are bad, see
Brent’s Blog on the subject.
Now we have Window’s Server 2012 and we know we should check
our power saving options, and we should use CPU-Z. When we get a bad reading how do we change
There is a Windows 2012 Performance Tuning document that is
worth a read, Click
here to download the Word Doc. If
you have owned a laptop in the past 5 years with Windows Vista on up on it you
are familiar with the power management plans.
Interestingly enough, or not based on your viewpoint, this is in Windows
2012 as well. Below is an exert from the Document
Common applicable scenarios
Implementation highlights
Balanced (recommended)
Default setting. Targets good energy
efficiency with minimal performance impact.
General computing
Matches capacity to demand. Energy-saving
features balance power and performance.
Increases performance at the
cost of high energy consumption. Power and thermal limitations, operating
expenses, and reliability considerations apply.
Low latency applications
Application code that is sensitive to processor performance
Processors are always locked at
the highest performance state (including “turbo” frequencies). All cores are
Limits performance to save
energy and reduce operating cost.
Deployments with limited power budgets
Thermal constraints
Caps processor frequency at a
percentage of maximum (if supported), and enables other energy-saving
Dear Reader I’m going to tell you right now, Balanced is not
recommended. High Performance is. If you’re not sure why go read Glenn and
Brent’s blogs about Green options and how they will hinder your CPU
Now don’t get me wrong I’m all about the environment, I love
me some outside, but when I have a server in a rack the only option for me is
High Performance.
The fact that Balanced
is the DEFAULT is a HUGE MISTAKE in my opinion.
If you know how to find and change your power settings, have done the
due diligence to understand what your usage consumption is vs. your peak hours,
and care about the cost of your data center to the point that this matters,
then change it. Also stop reading here.
If like most of us you have a DAY job, get really busy, and
expect your server to perform with the power and performance you purchased it
at, then keep reading.
I used CPU-Z to find a couple of facts out right away.
My server with 24 cores each running at 2.5
GHZ is running at 1.1 GHZ. YIKES! That’s ½ of this expensive box that we paid
for. So now I’m going to open up a
Command Prompt in Administrator Mode.
To do this go to the upper right hand corner, get the Spy
Glass Icon, and type cmd, Right Click on the Icon instead of Clicking on it,
and then click the option at the bottom of the screen that says Run As
Administrator. (You can also pin this to the start tiles window, but one thing
at a time).
Now in our Command Prompt type powercfg –LIST to see all of
the active plans. Your currently
selected plan will be denoted with an *.
We can see that Balanced is currently select, as this is the
default out of the box configuration. So
let’s change this. Make note of the GUID
above because you’re going to need it. The
command is powercfg –SETACTIVE <guidoftheplanyouwant>.
We run another powercfg –LIST to check our options and we
see that High Performance is now our default.
Another look at CPU-Z and everything looks right as rain.
For more on this subject Dear Reader, visit the Windows
Technet site on How to Set the Default
Power Plan for Windows 2012 by clicking here.
As for Windows Server 2012 I must profess, despite the out of the box options, I like it. Always on is more stable, It reads ISO files
without a 3rd party installer, and while the interface is different
I’ve been able to find a lot of configuration items that were previously in
hard to reach places. Basically more
blogs to come.
As Always Dear Reader Thanks for Stopping by and I hope this
helps you get the most out of your server!
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