Hello Dear Reader! What an incredible week we had. I started off traveling on Monday of last week. At the airport I ran into my friend David Pless ( Twitter | @dpless), he and I were on the same flight to London! It was great to start off the trip hanging out with a good friend.
After landing Tuesday morning, I took the Tube to Padington Station, then the Great Western Railroad out of London heading to Newport Wales.There is a Rail Strike occuring in the country right now. That added a bit of tension to travel days as we did not know if trains would be running or not. One day your train would not have any issues, the next you would recieve alerts that your service may be disrupted. Luckily I did not experiance any issues with trains, but the drama hung in the air all week long for everyone.
SQLBits was taking place at the Newport Wales ICC. It was a fantastic venue, for more on that take a look at the shorts which started with a walk up and grew to be a review of the days events at SQLBits.
I was hustling to get out there because I was assisting with an amazing pre-con being put on my by Azure FastTrack Product Group, PG, colleague Stijn Wynatts (Twitter | @SQLStijn), Filip Popovic & Mark Pryce-Maher from the Microsoft Azure Synapse PG, & Mr. Simon Whiteley (Twitter | @MrSiWhiteley) Microsoft MVP for Lakehouse in a Day! I was one of the people walking around and assiting others. I did that straight up until our Tuesday show.I will get more into the work done in the updates below, but it was a wonderful and exhausting day that would end with myself in the Auditorium presenting with none other than Patrick LeBlanc (Twitter | @PatrickDBA). Saturday Patrick & myself presented on The Most Powerful Azure Service that You've Never Heard of.
Let's head over to the recap.
MS TECH BITS - MONDAY 3-13-2023 & WEDNESDAY 3-15-2023
On Monday my colleague Marco Aurelio Cardoso from the Azure FastTrack PG joined me to discuss OpenAI and Prompt engineering. We put this video together to showcase a partical application of how these services would be utilized. We also had some fun asking about the physical hygine of Master's of the Univers Characters as well.
Marco showed me how to create an Azure AI Chatbot that utilizes an OpenAI model to create an interactive Chatbot in a Slack Channel. We had a really good discussion about Responsible AI and the need to understand the source for the information that our model is returning.
Wednesday I had a video on how to set up a SQL Server 2022 Instance in Seconds, also it is free using the free version of Docker and SQL Server 2022 Developer Edition on a Docker Container.
There are some internal concpets regarding SQL Server that it is importiant to understand. Understanding how to stand up an evironment quickly to test out new features is a good skill to have and will be key for some of our futuer conversations.
All this week I was making shorts videos recaping some of the activities of the conference. I'm only one human and could not make it to everything, but if you couldn't make it to SQLBits or if you want some nestolgia from the event please take a look.
As you can see this was an exceptional event. So many fantastic sessions, I cannot wait to go look at the SQLBits channel to find the sessions I missed and watch them when they are posted! Keep in mind SQLBits makes these sessions available for you to consume so make sure to check them out.
Buck Wood (Twitter | @BuckWoodyMSFT) joined Josh Luedeman (Twitter | @JoshLuedeman), Neeraj Jhaveri (Twitter | @Neeraj_Jhaveri), Andres Padillia (Twitter | @nodestreamio), and myself. Buck and I were live from the SQLBits Conference.
No further delays, lets get to the content in the order of appearence:
• Roll with us at SQLBits 2023! - Microsoft Community Hub by Marisa Mathews Twitter @MarisaMathews @AzureSQL
• Creating an Azure SQL Private Link Endpoint and managing DNS By John Lunn Twitter @jonnychipz
• Parameters and Hyperparameters in Machine Learning and Deep Learning by Kizito Nyuytiymbiy Twitter @KizitoNyu
• Scale Multiple Azure SQL databases on a logical server by Laith Ayesh
• Azure Synapse analytics (dedicated SQL pool) data modelling best practices by Bhaskar Sharma Twitter @sharmabhaskar
• Pro SQL Server 2022 Wait Statistics Book by Thomas LaRock Twitter @SQLRockStar
• How to Write Better Prompts for Chat GPT by Derek Slater Twitter @GripRoom
• Code Reuse with Spark Functions for Azure Databricks by John Miner Twitter @JohnMiner3
• Appreciation Posts for Engineers Day Across Globe by Muskaan Sabarwal Twitter @MuskaanSabarwal
• SQL Server Wait Statistics (or please tell me where it hurts…) By Paul Randal Twitter @PaulRandal
• ChatGPT-3 Prompt Engineering by Matt Nigh Twitter @literallynigh
• Monitoring PgBouncer in Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server by Varun Dhawan Twitter @iVarund
As I type this I'm crossing the Atlantic Ocean to head back home. I don't know that there is anything left for me to say.
Tuesday we have the Community Round Table & Wednesday we will be dropping our MS Tech Bits. I'm ready to lean this seat back and get some rest.
Have a great week Dear Reader, be good to one another. And as always, Thank you for stopping by.