Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dynamic Permissions

I needed to script out a database user role and all of the permissions that this role has with it for a server migration. We are moving the databases from on server to a new location.  You could try the Generate script tool, but while that would give me the script to re-create the role it did not give me all of the rights that role currently has.

 I opened up the advanced option and still not luck.

So I did a quick Google search on how to script out roles and found an old post by SQL MVP Russell Fields where he was answering a question on the SQL Security Forum, http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sqlsecurity/threads.

Russell’s Response, http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sqlsecurity/thread/26ffcac4-8d4c-4107-b355-80e63344fb8e listed how to use the DMO’s sys.database_permissions and sys.database_principals in order to query a database to find out the roles that where listed for the database, as well as the permissions each of those roles granted.

So my first step is most of the way done.  I now know how to get the info, now I want to dynamically generate a script that will re-create this role for me, and allow me to use this on multiple databases.

One thing I will need to do is add the schema to the return results, as we will want to make sure our object mappings are correct.  So I’ll add sysobjects and the schema_name() function to this query to pull that back.  My first results look like this.

      object_name(p.major_id) ObjectName,
      sys.database_permissions  p
      join sys.database_principals u
      on p.grantee_principal_id = u.principal_id
      join sysobjects o
      on p.major_id=o.id
order by
      ObjectName, name, p.permission_name

You will want to fill in the Database role you are looking for in the Where clause, or remove the Where to get a full listing of all the permissions for all of the roles in the database you are querying.

So now we’ve got everything we want, now I need to string it all together into the syntax I would like.

      object_name(p.major_id) ObjectName,

      (state_desc + ' ' + p.permission_name + ' ON ' + '['+schema_name(o.uid)+'].['+object_name(p.major_id)+'] TO ' + u.name) As PermissionText
      sys.database_permissions  p
      join sys.database_principals u
      on p.grantee_principal_id = u.principal_id
      join sysobjects o
      on p.major_id=o.id
order by

      ObjectName, name, p.permission_name

This gives me exactly what I want syntax wise, but now I need to insert “GO” in between each row, and I would like to make sure and specify the database that I’m working in, so I have a full script generator.

So now I’ll flush out the script a little bit, I need to do some row by row alterations, and I’m not looking at a large set of data, so I’ll use a table variable to hold all the syntax that I’m going to generate.

--Declare our variables
declare @dbname  varchar(500), @i int, @x int, @sqlcmd varchar(max), @RoleName nvarchar(500)

--Get the Current DB Name
set @dbname = (select DB_NAME())
set @Rolename = N'DatabaseRoleName'

--Declare the 2 Table Variables I'll be using
declare @myTable as Table(
                  [myID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
                  mySQLText varchar(max)
declare @myTable2 as Table(
                  [myID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
                  mySQLText varchar(max)

--Populate @myTable
insert into @myTable
      (state_desc + ' ' + p.permission_name + ' ON ' + '['+schema_name(o.uid)+'].['+object_name(p.major_id)+'] TO ' + u.name) As PermissionText
      sys.database_permissions  p
      join sys.database_principals u
      on p.grantee_principal_id = u.principal_id
      join sysobjects o
      on p.major_id=o.id

--Set the @i count = to the count from @mytable
--Set @x = 0
set @i = (select count(*) from @myTable)
set @x=0

--Begin the loop to create our dynamic statements
--you can either use table 2 or you could print the values
--to have a text you could just copy and paste
--this will work either way
while @x < @i
            set @x= @x +1
            if (@x=1)
                        set @sqlcmd= 'Use [' + @dbname + ']'
                        insert into @myTable2(mySQLText)
                        set @sqlcmd='GO'
                        insert into @myTable2(mySQLText)
                        set @sqlcmd ='IF  not EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = N'+ ''''+ @Rolename+ ''''+ ' AND type = '+ ''''+ 'R' + ''''+ ')'
                        insert into @myTable2(mySQLText)
                        set @sqlcmd='CREATE ROLE [' + @Rolename + '] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]'
                        insert into @myTable2(mySQLText)
                        set @sqlcmd='GO'
                        insert into @myTable2(mySQLText)
            set @sqlcmd = (select mySQLText from @myTable where myID=@x)
            insert into @myTable2(mySQLText)
            set @sqlcmd='GO'
            insert into @myTable2(mySQLText)

--Query @myTable2 and get the fruits of your labor
select mySQLText from @myTable2    

And here you go!

As I said in the comments above instead of using a second table variable you can just comment that out and where you insert values into table 1 you would just use a print command to get the script as something you can copy and paste



Sunday, November 7, 2010

1st Blog, 1st Post - Why the name SQL Balls

First I'd like to say Hi and if you are reading this YAY!!! (mini dance in celebration of your visit).   This is my first go at a blog, I've been a SQL Database Administrator for a while now, and I've read a lot of blogs and thought now was time to jump in and join the fray.

My name is Bradley Ball, and where ever I went people always tried to give me nicknames but the only one that ever stuck was Balls, in high school, or in college, when I worked with the Guys in the Army, at the Office of the President... wait they just called me Brad, and my fantasy football leauge.  So Balls is the only name that has ever stuck, and being a SQL Server DBA I figured SQLBall's it would be.

So a little about my background, I've got my MCITP SQL 2005 DBA & MCTS SQL 2008 DBA certifications.  I got my 2005 certs while working as a contractor to the U.S. Army and my 2008 cert while working as a contractor for the Executive Office of the President.  During that time I don't think I would have felt comfortable having a blog, but I have left the world of Government contracting to work in the private sector for Publix Supermarkets, this year.

I've worked in a lot of different environments and I'm continually amazed by how much there is to learn about SQL Server and how it can be implimented, maintained, and troubleshooted.  If your a SQL Proffessional I hope that I can post something that I've found along the way that can help you, as I've found so many great proffessionals out there blogging and sharing thier knowledge as well.

So Thanks for visiting, I'm going to follow up with a couple posts on Dynamic Scripts that I've been working on as well some work on Transparent Data Encryption that I've been doing.

Thanks for Visiting!
